
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


The Journey to Finding You

I was driving down the canyon today to get away and think.  I often take this drive when life's drama and troubles hit because the beautiful canyon's scenery and presence makes me feel calm and at peace.  With that said, this is the product of today's drive.

Picture yourself driving down a small, winding road passing through a canyon.  You have a long journey ahead as you make your way to the end of the canyon that holds a surprise you desperately want to see and experience.  It is a dark and lonely road that takes you left...right...up...down...sometimes you drive alongside raging rivers...sometimes you cross over bridges...sometimes there are calm and beautiful streams followed by gorgeous meadows filled with greenery...and sometimes you are surrounded by steep walls filled with jagged and dangerous rocks.  While driving down this road, no matter what your scenery or conditions for traveling are, you will continue down your path and eventually get to the end where you are pleasantly surprised by a magnificent sun rise.

This picture is a perfect representation of the journey that everyone makes to find themselves; who they really are and who they really want to become.

When you are searching for yourself you will often find yourself alone and in many dark and dreary situations.  You will experience moments where life is crazy, terrifying, and unpredictable just as the course of a raging river.  You will experience moments where life is as peaceful and serene as a steady stream.  Sometimes you will find beauty in unknown and unexpected things just as you would find beauty in a tranquil meadow.  Sometimes, however, you will find yourself surrounded by damaging and dangerous situations just as you would as if driving through a canyon known for dangerous falling rocks.

No matter what you encounter the road will be long, hard, and many times you will want to quit and turn back to the person that you were and the person that you knew.  The strength, determination, and faith that you gain from your ordeal, however, will eventually take you to the end of that road where you will be able to watch and enjoy a beautiful sun rise; the sun rise representing a new person with a new sense of purpose and direction.

Everyone's journey is different.  Some short and others extremely long.  Some are an everlasting uphill drive pushing you to your limits while others seem to enjoy a steady downhill ride that allows them to coast.  What no one really realizes, however, is that you will never know someone's journey and the surroundings along their road.  What may seem simple and beautiful to you could be frustrating and hopeless for others.  Something that you struggle with others will find amusing and easy.  In this way, no one should ever judge or compare their own journey to another individual.  How can you expect to drive down your road if all you can think about and focus on is your neighbors road and how easy or hard they have it?

The hardest part in all of this is deciding to embark on your journey.  You will need to be prepared and, as odd as it sounds, you need to be truly lost and confused to find your way.  It is only in your darkest hours that you will find the courage, strength, and determination to change your current path and follow a new one. 

For those waiting to embark, take your time.  There is no time limit.  There is no prize for finishing before others.  The journey is to help you change your life for the better.  Treat it as such.  Eventually you will reach a point where that journey is necessary.

For those getting ready to embark you should remember and keep in mind three important things:
1) Your journey will not be easy but extremely hard and difficult.
2) You will want to quit when the road and journey seems impossible.
3) There will always be a solution to help you succeed and continue on.  Whether it is family, friends, or complete strangers, you will be given the right tools to fix your broken or damaged path.

If you continue on and persevere to the very end you will see your sun rising.  You will feel accomplished.  You will feel stronger.  You will feel like you finally have a purpose and a reason to live.  It will be the most beautiful and meaningful sun rise you will ever watch...for that sun rising is a representation of you have finally become and longed to be.

The person that you find within will affect your life and other lives ways that you never thought possible.  You will now be able to help those in need.  You will now be able to support your loved ones.  You will now have a future carved out.  You will feel an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness.  More importantly, you will be the person you need to be to start the new, longer, and even harder journey down the road of life.

Just as you witnessed a beautiful start to a new day after a very dark night, you will also come to witness an even more beautiful sunset at the end of the road of life.

Finding yourself is an essential step in finding balance and meaning within.  You will find progress, growth, and strength not only in physical aspects but with your mental health as well.  This change, however, is only the beginning.  The foundation and direction that you have found will lead you to your life's goal of witnessing your sun set after a beautiful day.

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