
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


The Effect of One

The power or effect that one has will always be beyond comprehension.  What a person thinks is just a simple act of kindness, a warm gesture of love or appreciation, or words of caution and wisdom can affect any friend, loved one, or complete stranger.  With this in mind, what is your own effect on others?

I have pondered this question frequently, wondering what effect I have made on others' lives.  Has it been positive, negative, life changing...and my answer that I come to every time is "yes."  Whether you choose to or not, you will always have a constant effect on others' lives.  It depends on the lives that you have affected, however, to decide whether your actions have been positive or negative.

The ways that you live your life determine who you are.  Actions will always speak louder than words; words without action are never heard.  I had a very close friend who was always running from his past.  He would always tell me how he had all of these plans to change, to make a difference, to become successful and he never achieved any of them.  The reason behind all of this is that he never took action.  He used his words to manipulate those around him in to thinking he was someone he wasn't.  The failure to act on those words left him often times alone, misunderstood, and sometimes even hated.  I, too, fell for is act.  My years of kindness, help, compassion, and friendship were all taken advantage of as he continued to think only of himself.  The irony behind all of this is that if he would have truly cared for himself he would have put those changes to heart.  I truly hope and pray for the success and happiness of my now lost friend.

I have another friend who has changed my life in more ways than he will ever know.  His compassion, friendship, and love that he has shown me will always stick with me for the rest of my life.  He has helped me in one of the most confusing times in my life and he never once judged or swayed on our friendship.  He was in many was my mentor.  He would always have small, simple, and profound words of wisdom and advice that always came at exactly the right time.  These actions, however, are commonplace for him.  He shows each and every individual he meets with this kind of love.  I am sure that the effects that he has made on everyone have not only been positive, but life changing.  To him I say thank you.

I mention these stories to only bring up the point of how one's actions will always affect those around them.  My one friend chose his path, and in turn the effects that he had on others was negative.  The other chose to live his life in a way that often times created moments of happiness, no matter how long those moments were.   Although neither were ever fully aware of what they were doing, they were portraying a message of who they really were and what people should expect from them in love, friendship, and life. 

The effect of one is astounding.  Never live life without knowing that in some way, each day, you will change someone's life.  Whether for good or for bad, it is inevitable.

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