
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


Is There a Time for Nothing?

I have had a one week break from school as I transition from my first term to my second.  During this week long vacation I have had an overwhelming sense of boredom come over me.  Although I have found myself struggling to find activities to occupy my time, I have stumbled upon an interesting topic.  As I pressed on through my week, I realized that even being bored and doing nothing has a purpose.  

The first term of school was my first time in an educational environment in many years.  Finally having direction and a goal in mind required a large amount of concentration, time, and effort.  I spent countless hours on several projects trying to learn the skills necessary for my desired career...and I put forth enough effort to find myself exhausted on several occasions.  When finals were finally over I was looking forward to having one week where I could sleep in...relax...have time for other hobbies...etc.  

The first few days, however, I found that the only thing that I wanted to do was nothing.  I wanted to use as little effort as possible throughout my day.  My brother would invite me to play some video games with him and although I really enjoy video games and his company I declined every time just wanting to watch a movie and sleep.

The days continued to follow this pattern and even though I knew that I accomplished nothing as far as productivity I accomplished something else...the rest I received allowed my mind to completely shut down and restart...much like a computer needs to be shut down after an extended period of time my mind needed a period of 'nothing.'  After a few days of experiencing this feeling of 'nothing' my focus and determination were completely restored.  I had the necessary energy to go back and succeed once more in the next term of school.

With this in mind, I have come to conclusion that there is a time for 'nothing.'  When one exerts enough energy it is perfectly acceptable and necessary to take time to rest.  You will experience boredom and physically accomplish nothing...but maybe the rest and relaxation of accomplishing nothing is enough determination and peace to find the desire and passion necessary to move on and accomplish even greater things.

1 comment:

  1. I very much agree, nothing is an amazing medicine for the mind
