
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen



It has been nearly a week since I have posted.  Every now and again, like I mentioned in a previous entry, there is a time for nothing...that and the fact that work, school, and the aggravating task of moving were all occupying my life.

With all of this said, I have been struggling my whole life with the concept of patience.  I have always been one to Carpe that Diem and I could never understand why I would have to wait for that Diem.  If I had the money, why couldn't I go and buy it now?  If I had transportation why couldn't I go visit a Friend?  If I had all of my work done why did I have to wait until the end of class to leave?

Patience is a concept that is so hard for me to grasp,  especially when patience is thrown into the idea of dating.  I have brought up this topic today for the sole purpose of venting my frustration with being patient in a dating scenario.

One question: why, ladies, can't you just come out and tell us if we are someone you are interested in or "like?"  Why is it that men have to interpret words, texts, phone calls, and actions to try and figure out how you feel? 

The reason for these questions is that trying to date someone desires both time and energy.  If I am spending time and energy trying to get to know you and date you there should be a rule that states that you should have to tell me whether you are interested or not.  Being completely left out in the dark is frustrating. 

Now, ladies, in your defense I can understand that you never quite know how you feel until certain events have taken place or questions have been answered.  It would be hard to come out and tell a guy if you are interested if you were still testing the water.  In all honesty I understand that.  My request, however, is to just keep me informed of what is going on.  Is that so hard?

Obviously I am frustrated.  Obviously I am trying to get back into the dating scene.  Obviously my level of patience needs to be revamped and upgraded to a current standard. At least now, however, I feel a little more relaxed after this release of inner anxiety. 

Be patient with my obvious lack of patience...I am trying to be patient with you.

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