
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


Happy as You Are, Not as You Were...Not as You Want

My last entry could probably be classified as a defensive message that might have been portrayed as me being bitter.  Although this was not the intention, this entry will be more positive and uplifting.

Many friends, coworkers, and even family members (extended and immediate) sometimes experience a period of depression.  Sometimes it is long...sometimes short.  The reason for this depression is not provoked by others, work, school, religion, etc. but is caused solely with how they perceive themselves.  

Many feel that at certain periods in their life they need to be meeting a certain "standard" that they have set in their minds.  People have to set goals to survive, and when we create goals that are difficult or that take years to achieve we create a sense of self worth based on what will be.  When something doesn't go as planned, however, it is very easy to let it get you down.

When someone fails to meet a goal, fails to succeed in a certain area, or even fails to meet someone's expectations an overwhelming sense of disappointment appears.  Not being who you wanted to be at this time, not living up to someone's expectations, failing at something you know you could succeed at are all disappointing moments in life.  Why, however, does it make you feel unhappy?

Happiness is what you want it to be.  It is not something that comes over time.  It is not something that you earn.  It is a choice.  Just because something doesn't go as planned doesn't mean you have to let it get you down.  What does that accomplish?  Does that help you attain your other goals and aspirations that you have made?

Failure should never be an excuse to stop trying or to become sad or depressed.  It should be a motivator.  It should give you the drive and passion necessary to try time and time again until you get your desired results.  It should strengthen you and teach you what not to do in the future.  How is that something to be sad about?  How can you justify being depressed over a chance to be even better next time?
It is in this way that happiness is a choice.  Nothing in life, regardless of how damaging, crippling, or undesirable it may be, should affect one's state of happiness.  There is always something positive in anything that happens.  It may be small, but the little things in life are always the most influential factors in our day-to-day lives.  So be happy with who you are.  Be happy with what you have become.  Even if you have landed yourself in a situation that seems hopeless, staying positive and happy with who you are will change that situation to be positive.  It will give you the drive and passion necessary to change. 

Life will knock you down but we can choose to get back up.  In other words, we can choose to be happy despite our setbacks.  Live life without regrets and always look forward and be proud of who you are.  Be happy.  You can always improve. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one. With everything that I am dealing with in my life now, I am more happy now than I have been in years. So I can really relate this this. Trent you are amazing!!
