
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


It Is What It Is

A wise man once told me not to worry and stress about events that have already happened or that will inevitably occur.  His philosophy was "it is what it is."  I struggled for a while trying to grasp this concept.  Why would someone choose not to worry about something that could cause problems or dilemmas in life?  Why would someone just choose not to think about something that had just barely occurred?

I have now come to the realization of what this statement truly means.  Dwelling on past events and on events that could or will come about can become very destructive.  The philosophy isn't advising to forget about your problems, but rather to learn how to deal with reality and move on with your life.  Just because something bad, catastrophic, depressing, traumatizing, or negative occurs does not signify the end of your life or the collapsing of your world.  It is just a speed bump that will slow you down but ultimately be forgotten in the past as you continue on with your journey through life.

Dwelling on what has been and what will be can destroy even the best of us.  By focusing on the negative events that have taken place you allow your mentality to slowly altery into a state of disarray and confusion where everything will be and is harming.  Bad things will always come to those that expect bad things because that is what they are accustomed to and comfortable with.  They don't know how to think any other way.  Life can significantly improve with just a slightly different perspective and attitude.

Dealing with all of the situations that life will bring and throw at you determines how you look, solve, and cope with the obstacles presented to you.  Learning how to adapt, grow, and move onto the next obstacle will improve your outlook on life and it will make you a stronger person in the end.  You will be more optimistic and you will be that person that everyone turns to for guidance, support, and help in their times of need.  You will make a difference.

What category do you fit in?  How do you look at the situations and cards that life has dealt?  Do you automatically fold on every hand or do you play your cards, accept the consequence, and move onto the next hand with the hope that you will eventually succeed?  Whether the glass is half empty or half full, remember that 'it is what it is' and nothing you do will ever change that.

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