
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


Symbolism of the Past...Hope for the Future

I had a friend contact me today asking why I keep a particular item hanging from my rear-view mirror...I responded with a question: "If you had one single act that changed everything would you make a symbol of that event to represent the change and emotion that took place?"
The item in question was my identification bracelet that I was forced to wear during my last trip to the mental hospital.  I kept first not knowing why...and then I realized why I was carrying it around.  I wanted to remember that event.  I wanted to remember everything that led up to my hospitalization - the pain, fear, depression, lack of control...and then I wanted to remember the strength I had to take the first step to getting help.
It may seem small...and not even necessary.  Many would just rely on the change that followed the event to be a better reminder...but when it comes down to it, how many actually remember the event at all without a constant reminder?  Almost every single time someone leaves from a life changing event they forget the emotion and decisions that led them to that pivotal the necessary change for a better outcome.  What good is change if there is no significant meaning behind it?

Personal experience has taught me that changing without a reason or a reminder will lead to a other words, you will eventually fall into the same routine that you tried to change in the first place.  Without that constant reminder of the past it is very easy to take for granted the amazing strength and determination you found in your moment of struggle.  Why would you want to take the chance of falling back or that worth losing all of the progress that you have made?

Granted, not every event that requires change is a life changing crossroad.  There will be many instances where little thought and emotion are needed to make a decision and change.  There will be, however, a small handful of moments and events that will test your will power and courage to change and make the current situation better.  It is in these moments where you should create a reminder...a symbol of the feat that you tackled.

Symbols are wonderful because they don't actually have to show others what they represent.  Lets say you were lost in the wilderness for two weeks and you found a way to survive.  You could represent that moment with a picture of the wilderness in your living room...or a key chain from the nearest gift shop from where you were lost.  No one would necessarily know that they were symbols, but you would forever remember the emotions and strength that they represent.  

For me I chose a hospital bracelet.  My symbol is pretty straight forward...and often times an awkward conversation starter with dates and friends.  I am not ashamed, however, of explaining the significance behind it.  It is a symbol of who I have become and the strength that I have gained.  It is a small symbol of my past...and it is my small glimpse of hope for the future.  

Never be afraid to remember the events and people that have made who you are.  Often times a subtle and gentle reminder is all it takes to keep focus and determination for a better future.

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