
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


Self Confidence...the Key to Success

I have discovered lately that the perception I have about my performances and talents greatly changes the outcome of life event.  Have you ever noticed someone who can play the guitar amazingly but never goes anywhere with their talent?  How about those really "smart" kids in school?  How come some of those kids go on to achieve everything and others go nowhere?

Self confidence is the key to success.  Just because you are naturally smart doesn't mean you are confidently smart.  Just because you can play the guitar doesn't mean you can play confidently.  What is the difference?

Confidence is having faith in yourself and your performances.  When you have confidence you know that you can and that you will eventually succeed.  You have faith that the outcome will be positive.  When you are genuinely optimistic in how you view yourself you will find success.

Lack of confidence, on the other hand, places doubt within your mind.  You start to second guess yourself and create excuses.  I didn't pass the test because I lost my homework...I was fired because the manager didn't like me...I won't ever be as good as that musician so why play?  All excuses and doubts about yourself and your life.  Why even try if you feel that you will never succeed?

Sometimes success is in the eye of the beholder.  What many view as insignificant can be the biggest triumph to you...success is success, however, no matter how small or insignificant.  When you start to succeed you gain more and more confidence and faith within yourself until success is a normal occurrence.  The key is and always will be your level of confidence.
There are instances, however, where you can be overly confident.  It is in this manner that I bring a small bit of advice - there will always be instances of failure...just because you succeed time and time again doesn't mean that you can outrun an eventual failure.  It is inevitable.  Embrace it and when you do finally fail get back up...when you know that you can and will eventually fail but have the perseverance to try again you will never be overly confident.

Whether it is know that you can succeed and do anything.  There will be instances of disappointment...but the feeling of joy when success is near will always be stronger.  Be confident in yourself.  No one ever succeeded without taking a leap of faith.

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