
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen



What is the answer to the equation 1+1?  Logic will tell you the answer is 2 and that is indeed the right answer...but only in the material world.  Recently I have been filling my mind with deep and philosophical ideas.  Books such as 'As a Man Thinketh' and 'Man's Search for Meaning' have sparked ideas and thought processes that have influenced my day-to-day actions and thoughts.  

A close friend of mine recently recommended reading the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants...he told me that if I wanted to really find deep and philosophical ideas that this would be the start of an even greater knowledge.  While I haven't really begun to be engulfed by the complexity of the scriptures a random thought popped into my mind last night while I was struggling to fall asleep...what is the answer to 1+1?  

Most people will tell you 2...I say the answer is infinite.  When you look at the grand scheme of life, especially the aspect of marriage, the world will tell you that you and your spouse equal a greater whole...or 2 in my example.  What if, however, you look at it in a completely different way...

Marriage is a sacred pact.  Both wife and husband are responsible to act together to create a greater whole.  While both were single (or 1), when placed together they become a greater whole (or 2).  This answer to the equation, however, is only the material, or limited, answer.  What about the eternal aspect...the spiritual aspect?  There are no boundaries.  No limitations.  The answer to your equation is unknown...infinite.  

What I mean by this is you will reach or equal whatever you want.  If you want to just make it through life you can.  If you want to reach the deepest depths and glory of heaven you can.  You can make your simple equation of 1 (husband) and 1 (wife) equal anything...but you have to work for it.  

Honoring your by the commandments...trying to be the absolute best you can...all of these aspects plus so many more will determine what you and your spouse equal.  

Why settle for 2 when you can have whatever you want.  Never underestimate to be the best you can be...the best friend...the best child...the best parent...the best spouse...and maybe 1 and 1 will equal something more...something greater.

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