
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


Beginning to Think...Striving to Find...Yearning to Change

Another year has come and past in my life.  When I think about where I was last year at this time compared to where I am today I find an extreme difference.  My health is fantastic, my life is directed, my goals reestablished, and my moral compass pointing north.  The biggest difference though is how I think now to how I thought then.

When looking at how much someone changes you often see the immediate results.  Maybe you see a new hair color...or maybe you see a new 'look'...or maybe you notice a change in language.  Whatever it is you notice isn't the change.  What you see is the byproduct of the real change - thought and mindset. 

Through this last year I developed several different mindsets.  It started with realizing I was wrong.

When you progress through life you develop comfort zones and areas of 'expertise' of knowledge.  When something comes along and questions this knowledge it is natural to get defensive and protective of what you were comfortable with.  With me I was comfortable with my health.  Once I was diagnosed, however, I developed a form of denial.  I thought because I was healthy before my diagnosis that I was healthy after.  I was wrong.  I spent five years in misery and struggle...five very long years. 

One day I decided to read a journal that I had started writing in daily.  When I wrote every entry I felt brilliant - like everything made sense...but I couldn't be more wrong.  What I read was riddled in dark and depressing thoughts that would frighten anyone and everyone. 

So I changed my thought process and sought help.

After beginning to develop a sense of a healthy lifestyle (after a long absence) I realized that I didn't have to settle for the career path that I had chosen.  I decided that I would attempt college.  I planned out put my whole focus on gaining a better education. 

In this way I changed my thought process once again.

With two changes already under way, I felt that I should continue making steps to change my life.

And here I am.

I have started to reignite my spiritual thoughts.  I have paid off all of my debts.  I have changed.

The title of this entry states the order of the steps to changing one's self.  

You start by beginning to think. 

It isn't wrong to ask yourself if there is something more.  It isn't wrong to question why things are the way they are.  When you ask questions and look for answers you start to change how you think.  Sure, wondering how a toaster operates won't change your life.  In fact, it will most likely confuse you.  Confusion, however, leads to a deeper thought process.

Find why you want to change.  Why change unless you have a reason?  Usually, at least from personal experience, you need a trigger.  For me it was reading what I was really writing.  When you experience this event, however, you need to have something symbolize the experience so that every time you see it you are taken back to that memory...the pain...the joy...the emotion...

Symbolism is very important.  You never really think of the symbolism of every day life.  Whenever you see cars you immediately think of a symbol.  The same can be applied to your change.  If you have a symbol depicting your event then every time you see it you are taken back to your original mindset of why you want to change.

Finding symbolism leads to the final step - dedication.

With your new thoughts and your symbolism you need to stay determined.  Even though you have set up reminders and temporarily changed your mind set doesn't mean it will stay that way.  Just like I have mentioned in previous entries, change comes from within.  No one can tell you to change.  Only you.

Changing is not difficult.  Changing your thought process is.  When you gain control of your thoughts you gain control of the situation.  You can change anything and everything to positive and uplifting situations.  

Don't be a slave of your mind.  Make your mind work for you.  Begin to think...Strive to find...Yearn to be different.  Even if you constantly live within your own four walls where your mind resides, you can always cross the street to a new and better place.

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