
These are the inner workings and thoughts of a young man's life. Problems, goals, observations, opinions, triumphs...these will all be portrayed as they are seen through my eyes. As these entries grow in numbers, I hope you all enjoy and take something away from them. Whether you take away something positive or something negative, I hope these words will affect your life in someway.

-Trent Jensen


What's YOUR Lifeline?

Life has led me into places I never knew existed...places that I thought impossible.  Am I what I want to eventually be yet?  No.  But I am getting there.  Although I have lengths to go I consider myself successful in my life's progression.  What has led me there?

As I look at those that are truly successful in life (successful in happiness and personal progress) I have realized one similarity that they all share...a lifeline.  In the television show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" the contestants are granted three lifelines that can 'save' them from their mistakes and help them move on...I modified this term and have applied it to life...

My definition of lifeline has the same concept of helping you move on...but instead of calling a friend or eliminating wrong choices I use a saying, or 'line', that I live my life by.  My mentor uses "it is what it is"...I have known many that say "you only live once"...but in the last few months I have found the lifeline that I live by..."don't look back."

I have been to many places in my life...some of which were in the world around us (nature, cities, etc)...but most of these places were mindsets that I chose to reside in.  Sometimes my residence was short lived and other times I was the equivalent of a cockroach - a pest that wouldn't leave no matter what you did.  Many of those places were dark...depressing...and misleading.  I visited the prison of my mind and the tortures it can bring...I found the edge of sanity and almost jumped off...I found happiness and walked the extra distance to misery... 

In my recent excursions, however, I have visited some of the most beautiful places on earth.  I found the beauty of a loving family...I visited the depths of my own heart and found hope...I traveled far in search of true friendship and found it...I looked to the sky for guidance and found faith...

As I traverse these new places I came to the conclusion that I have to live my life without regrets...and without looking back.  Never in my life have I felt so free...and more importantly happy.

By not looking back I have realized what is important - my future.  My past actions are exactly what they are - my past.  Why should I let my past dictate who I am?  Why should I let my past choose the paths that I walk?  Why would I want to look back?

Our past actions don't make us who we are.  The choices we make today depict who we are at this point in time.  Not a single choice will drag you down...but many bad choices will.  On the flip side, not one choice will lift you up...but many good choices will.  The choices you make today will change who you become in the future.  No matter how dark your life is you can find light...and no matter how light your life is you can fall to darkness...

The point of life is simple...keep walking forward and don't look back.  Find what you want and keep walking until you find it.  You may take detours or run into obstacles that slow you down...but you can always make it to where you want to be.  

I chose my lifeline...and it has helped put life in perspective.  It has helped me see what I need to reach my overall goal of happiness and success...

What is your lifeline?

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